Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare and maintain all of the altar linens, hangings,vessels, as well as set up the altar for all services. This ministry brings joy to those who prepare the Lord’s table to feed our parish family.
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic Minister reads the New Testament Lesson, leads therecitation of the Psalm, leads the reading of the Nicene Creed and the Prayers of the People.The Eucharistic Minister also assists the Celebrant in the administration of the Chalice.
Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Specific scheduled training is available for both of these rewarding ministries.
Acolytes are children and adults who assist the Celebrant during the service and lead the procession into and out of the church. The Acolytes are an important and integral part of the Holy Eucharist.
Lectors are members from the congregation who read the Old Testament Reading, the first lesson during the worship service.
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors can follow this link at The Lectionary Page for the weekly readings. Remember to select the Revised Common Lectionary.