Greeters are members who serve as friendly, welcoming faces during all church services. Their focus is to recognize, greet and direct our guests, as well as answer any questions.

Nursery Workers
During the 10:30 A.M. service, we provide a loving and safe environment for children ages 4 and under. The nursery is staffed by church volunteers who have received Safe Church Training and are experienced in the care of infants and toddlers.

Meet and Eat Host
Once a month a parishioner from St. Michael’s host a Meet and Eat at their favorite restaurant for members and friends to gather and fellowship.

Coffee Hour Host
Known as “Coffee Hour”, this gathering takes place in the Parish Hall after both the 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. services. This is an opportunity to welcome our guest and enhance our parish fellowship. Parishioners volunteer to prepare coffee and tea for adults, punch or juice for the children, and provide a goody for all.

Abundant Living
Abundant Living is a community program of Baptist Easley, provides training and resources to nurse and lay individuals in Pickens County in order to develop wellness programs with their congregations. St. Michael’s participates in this program under the care of parishioner and nurse, Kathy Zaleski. Services available at SMEC are first aid, blood pressure and weight monitoring, participation in exercise challenge with other churches, information on the topic of the month as set by Baptist Easley. A library is available in the Health Room with materials concerning spiritual, mental, and physical health.

Christian Education Teachers
Parishioners interested in the Christian development of our children serve as Christian Education teachers in order to provide classes for ages 4 through 11. Christian Education class meet from during the 10:30 service and the curriculum is age appropriate material that follows the Revised Common Lectionary. Our children are learning lessons from the same scripture as our adults. Our goals in Christian Education classes are to develop faith foundations that teach our children to know the Bible, to learn to relate to God and the Church, to learn to relate faith to daily living, and to encourage discussion between parents and children the lessons each week.